Importance Of Ayurveda

Ayurveda,the knowledge of life,is the ancient medical system of india.ayurveda can be defined as a system,which use the inherent principleof nature.

Ayurveda truly believes:”prevention is better than cure”

Ayurveda treats human body holistically

Ayurveda focuses to solve the root causes of the problem

The Science Of Life Ayurveda

For millennia,long before any form of recognized science may have emerged,the land that is india had been practicing a well informed discipline,a science ayurveda,it was the science of life itself. Ayur is life and veda is science

This ancient medical approach and practice has no continued to fascinate and enthuse humanity, indeed even attaining the pinnacle of its magnetism in modern times. With its origins in pre-history, cultivated and fostered by great learned men and elaborately documented since as long ago as the first millennium BC by eminet scholars, here is a science where the sagacity of the ancient continues to rule the glamour of the contemporary. Call it the ageless and timeless science, if one may

Over several thousand years, ayurveda has continued to remain open to experience and innovation and has been one of the most extensively written about branches of scientific thought,one that has withstood the test of time for some 5000 years

Ayurveda treats life on the underpinnings of the body, soul (spirit) and mind, and the very principles of this wonderful system of medicine rests on the values of these to be in perfect balance for stable is all inter-related,ayurveda says,an everything that one indulges in influences and affects one’s health and well-being.your attitude,diet,relationship,action,the whole lot influences the body,soul and mind

The two principles objectives of ayurveda are prolong life and promote complete involves care of the physical,mental and spiritual health by keeping the body,mind and spirit in an ideal equilibrium with the basic elements of nature

According to ayurveda,the five basic elements-earth,water,air,fire,and ethert(space)-constitute the very fabric of all existence.this stands for one’s constitution,for what is the human body,but a makeup of the derivative of these very five element.the design of these elements is expressed through dosha(pathogenic factors or those that tend to go out of balance easily)of the bodyand mind and the entire system is at play with the tissue(dhatus) and their waste(malasa)

The elements,the seasons,one’s genetic inheritance,enviormental factor,even one’s astrological chart,each ones of these if not taken care of,can result in the imbalance of life;s functioning,disturbing the performance of the dhatus and malas,thereby resulting in disease(roga)

Treating the very fundamental cause of disease rather than addressing just the symptoms is what ayurveda is and open and dynamic it a living tradition that continues to be practiced by living people

Atiq Herbal

About Us

Our founder chairman,dr hisham bawan and dr usamah dantroliya are a visionary.well before the science of ayurveda was to find a reawakening in a somewhat fashionable avatar,the learnes doctor had a vision to address chronic ailments by integrating the wisdom of ayurveda with the tools of modern technology

  • Putting nature’s healing power to work for you
  • Establish in 2014
  • Strict adherence to international quality standard
  • Safe and efficacious
  • A trusted name in the arena of ayurveda and herbal healthcare


Helping people live hale and hearty,using nature’s healing power.


To grow the herbal way,and always remain a trusted member of the global healthcare.



We Expert In


Kidney care products provide an easy & natural way to keep Kidney function healthy and in order. Kidney care products help to protect kidneys from any sort of infections, disorders or related functioning.


Liver care products are formulated to support healthy detoxification and healthy liver functioning. They help regulate levels of liver enzymes and optimize digestion, assimilation & metabolism and improve the functional capacity of the liver.


Skin care products are perfectly developed from traditional Ayurvedic Skin healing herbs to treat various skin ailments i.e acne, pimples, leucoderma, urticaria etc. They nourish the skin and make it feel rejuvenated while enhancing the natural beauty from within.


Our products provide perfect solution to normalize carbohydrate metabolism naturally. They are developed with the carefully chosen, selected herbs. The unique herbs in it not only take care of carbohydrate metabolism, but also relieves the associated problems like weakness, fatigue, excessive urination, excessive hunger, weight loss etc.


Offers a diverse portfolio of women health products that promote and improve women’s well-being and women’s Quality of Life. Women’s Health formulae encourage optimum health in women.


Joint & bone health care products, fights pain & inflammation fast, Which helps to assist in joints & muscles pain relief, protect & prevent Joint damage & act as muscle relaxant.

New Arrivals

Neutra Pro

Neutral pro capsule and powder made with potent and pure ayurvedic herbs which is usefull in healthy way to weight gain and is suitable for both gym goers and people with sedentary lifestyleboth male and female.

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Skin Touch

Skin touch helps by promoting healthy skin as well as restoring and balancing the digestive and glandular touch treats variety of skin problem. It dilates the pores, liquefies and drains the sebum in acne prone skin, effectively restoring the beautiful and lustrous skin from within.

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Arabian Nights

Shilajit is a sticky herb found in mountains and offers many health benefits due to its multiple micro and macro nutrients. One of the health benefits of Shilajit is that it boosts your energy levels and help you perform well.

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Call: +91 73837 75786
Monday-Friday (9am-5pm)


Location: Atiq Herbal, Ahemadabad
Gujarat, INDIA